Launched in October 2019 our in-house developed, abandoned cart module for OpenCart has recently been given an update. Clients that use the system on their ecommerce website are entitled to updates as part of their subscription plan.
The various updates and bug fixes to the system include the following:
- Reminder Emails – when a customer places items in their basket but abandons their order at the checkout, they will be sent the standard reminder email, but we have now built in an optional secondary reminder email which can be sent a specified number of days after the initial email gets sent. This is to help with conversions and just give customers that gentle nudge to come back to your store and complete the purchase, increasing conversions and sales.
- Month on Month Reporting – a feature our current clients requested was the ability to track abandoned cart conversions each month, this is vital data for some to spot trends and respond where necessary. In a future update we hope to include this data into a graph to visually see data trends in graphical format.
- Email Tracking – it is important to know if an email has been delivered and been opened by the recipient, with clever tracking the system now logs if the abandoned cart reminder emails have been opened, sadly we cannot track why the email wasn’t opened!
- Improved Statistics – for our clients being able to see important data on the total amount of revenue the system has generated and the average order value is really important and something not built into the OpenCart platform as standard. Our system also reports the amount of revenue not generated, or lost, which can be painful viewing but helps clients to see that vital information and then react to it accordingly.
- Reporting by Country – another new feature we have added is the ability to track and view abandoned cart statistics by country, this allows a client to browse a particular country and see how many abandoned carts there were. This is useful for spotting trends or issues, perhaps with shipping costs, language or currencies and then be able to react and respond to it.
You may have read all this and be asking yourself, “what is an abandoned cart”, put simply it is when a customer of yours takes time to put items in their basket, begin the checkout and then leave for some reason, their data has been captured but they didnt complete the sale, which is lost revenue for you.
In our techy words of explaining it – “For an order to be classed as an abandoned cart the customer needs to have entered their personal details and selected a product, the customer at the final stages of checkout then decides not to proceed with the order for an unknown reason, quite commonly this is due to delivery costs and if the customer leaves your website this will generate an abandoned cart that our module can then work with.”
If you would like to find out more about this system, our ecommerce web design service or have any other question feel free to get in touch with us and we can have a chat about how we can help you and your business.